※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Measurement of energetic radiation generated during thunderstorm by a sounding balloon and an airplane


鳥居 建男  

Torii, Tatsuo

Energetic radiation caused by thunderstorm activity is observed at various places such as the ground, high mountain areas and artificial satellites. In order to investigate the source location of the radiation and its energy distribution, we observed radiation using sounding ballon and an airplane in the inside and above the thundercloud which would be near a source of radiation. We performed the radiation measurement by flying around the thunderclouds at twelve to fourteen km in height by the observation in the summer. Furthermore, in the winter season, we flew five to six km in height and measured the radiation around the thunderclouds. The event that the counting rate was slightly exceeding a normal variation was observed by a results of the winter observation. About the cause, we are analyzing it now. We report the result of these measurements and analysis in the EGU meeting.



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