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Sensitivity of a 3D fully-gapped topological superconductor to non-magnetic impurities

Ota, Yukihiro; Nagai, Yuki   ; Machida, Masahiko  

Topological superconductors (TSC) are notable materials, owing to the mathematical curiosity and the application potential. The bulk TSC can emerge by copper intercalation into topological insulator Bi$$_{2}$$SE$$_{3}$$. In this paper, we theoretically study the non-magnetic impurity effects in the mean-field model of Cu$$_{x}$$Bi$$_{2}$$SE$$_{3}$$, focusing on the odd-parity fully-gapped superconducting state. Calculating the density of states with a self-consistent $$T$$-matrix approach, we test the presence of mid-gap states, leading to pair-breaking effects. Remarkably, the sensitivity to non-magnetic impurities strongly depend on a normal-state dispersion character, i.e., either non-relativistic or relativistic dispersion relations. We show unification picture for understanding this intriguing result, deriving a low-energy effective superconducting theory.



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