多層膜回折格子の放射光への応用; keV領域回折格子分光器ビームラインにおける新展開
Applications of multilayered gratings to synchrotron light sources; New horizon of diffraction grating monochromators in the keV region
小池 雅人; 今園 孝志; 石野 雅彦
Koike, Masato; Imazono, Takashi; Ishino, Masahiko
The demand for the physical-properties research using powerful light sources, such as synchrotron radiation and soft-X-rays laser light, is increasing. When promoting such research, it is required to develop efficient soft-X-ray spectrometers suitable for absorption, emission, and fluorescence which are appeared in an energy rage of 1-8 keV. We describe the development of laminar type diffraction gratings which enhance diffraction efficiency remarkably by use of soft-X-ray multilayers instead of single metal layers.