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RELAP5 code study of ROSA/LSTF experiments on PWR safety system using steam generator secondary-side depressurization

Takeda, Takeshi ; Onuki, Akira*; Nishi, Hiroaki*

RELAP5 code analyses were performed on two ROSA/LSTF validation tests for PWR safety system that simulated cold leg small-break loss-of-coolant accidents with 8-in. or 4-in. diameter break using SG (steam generator) secondary-side depressurization. The SG depressurization was initiated by fully opening the depressurization valves in both SGs immediately after a safety injection signal. In the 8-in. break test, loop seal clearing occurred and then core uncovery and heatup took place. Core collapsed liquid level recovered after the initiation of accumulator coolant injection, and long-term core cooling was ensured by the actuation of low-pressure injection system. Adjustment of break discharge coefficient for two-phase discharge flow predicted the break flow rate reasonably well. The code overpredicted the peak cladding temperature because of underprediction of the core collapsed liquid level due to inadequate prediction of the accumulator flow rate in the 8-in. break case.



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