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Report No.

Simulation study on non-destructive assay for fuel debris by using Fast Neutron Direct Interrogation (FNDI) method

Maeda, Makoto  ; Furutaka, Kazuyoshi  ; Kureta, Masatoshi   ; Ozu, Akira  ; Tobita, Hiroshi; Komeda, Masao   ; Hattori, Kentaro

In Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), it has been started that investigation on applicability of Fast Neutron Direct Interrogation (FNDI) method to fuel debris. FNDI method is expected to be promising non-destructive Assay (NDA) technique which measures total amounts of fissile materials. In this presentation, we report on basic model of non-destructive measurement system designed by using Monte Carlo Code PHITS, the effect of the matrix in debris canister on FNDI method evaluated by using Monte Carlo Code MVP and four dimensional (4 D) visualization results of neutron flux obtained by using visualization tool we have newly developed.



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