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Report No.

Simulation of saturation process in a transuranium disposal facility

Takayama, Yusuke  ; Iizuka, Atsushi*; Kawai, Katsuyuki*

Due to its low permeability and excellent expansion characteristics, bentonite materials are considered to be the material of choice for engineered barriers in Trans-Uranium (TRU) disposal facilities. It is necessity to predict the mechanical behaviour of bentonite using numerical simulation to evaluate the long-term performance of a TRU disposal facility. In this paper, a comprehensive summary of the saturation process of bentonite and its mathematical modelling was explained. Subsequently, a series of numerical simulations were carried out. First, a one-dimensional swelling pressure test simulation was carried out in order to examine the swelling characteristics of buffer and backfill. Next, we simulated the saturation process in a TRU disposal facility from an initially unsaturated state. The mechanical behaviour of bentonite buffer and backfill in a TRU disposal facility during the saturation process was examined.



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Category:Engineering, Geological



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