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Magnetic phase diagrams of Cs$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{2}$$Mo$$_{3}$$O$$_{12}$$ below 2 K with CuO$$_{2}$$ ribbon chains

Fujimura, Akio*; Yasui, Yukio*; Igawa, Naoki   ; Yoshida, Yukihiko*; Ishigaki, Toru*; Kono, Yohei*; Kittaka, Shunichiro*; Sakakibara, Toshiro*

Magnetic phase diagram was investigated by the specific heat measurement and magnetic structure has been studied by using neutron diffraction for Cs$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{2}$$Mo$$_{3}$$O$$_{12}$$ with CuO$$_{2}$$ ribbon chains. We found that this material showed antiferromagnetic transition at T$$_{N}$$ = 1.85 K under 0 magnetic field. The difference in magnetic and crystal structure between Cs$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{2}$$Mo$$_{3}$$O$$_{12}$$ and Rb$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{2}$$Mo$$_{3}$$O$$_{12}$$ are discussed.



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