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Development of risk assessment methodology of decay heat removal function against external hazards for sodium-cooled fast reactors, 3; Numerical simulations of forest fire spread and smoke transport as an external hazard assessment methodology development

Okano, Yasushi; Yamano, Hidemasa   

Numerical simulations of forest fire propagation and smoke transport were performed with sensibility studies to weather conditions, and the effect by the smoke on the air filter was quantitatively evaluated. Forest fire propagation simulations were performed using FARSITE code. A temporal increase of a forest fire spread area, a position of the frontal fireline, "reaction intensity" and "frontal fireline intensity" are obtained and used for the smoke transport simulations by ALOFT-FT where spatial distribution of PM2.5 and PM10 are evaluated. The total amount of particle matter at the air filter at the nuclear power plant is around several hundred grams per m$$^{2}$$ which is well below the operational limit of the air filter of 15 kg/m$$^{2}$$.



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