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Evaluation of dismantling data in Fugen's decommissioning

Koda, Yuya ; Tezuka, Masashi  ; Aratani, Kenta; Nanko, Takashi

Decommissioning Engineering Center, which is called FUGEN, has started dismantling works based on its decommissioning program since 2008. The dismantling works was launched in turbine system whose contamination was relatively low level. Feed-water-heaters and main-steam-pipes had been dismantled already, and now, main-condensers have been dismantling. Approximately 1000 tons of dismantled waste was produced from the dismantling works so far. Dismantling work needs to be done safely and effectively with appropriate cutting devices depending on the situations that is its method, quality and shape of the materials to be dismantled. Therefore, in FUGEN, varieties of conventional cutting devices, which are thermal cutting method and mechanical cutting method, are used in the dismantling works to evaluate their applicability depending on the work situations. Obtained cutting data are summarized and evaluated in order to reflect to the following own works and other decommissioning plants.



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