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Report No.

Mesoporous silica based novel conjugate adsorbent for efficient selenium(IV) detection and removal from water

Awual, M. R.; Hasan, M. M.*; Ihara, Toshihiro*; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

Selenium is a very toxic element that at low concentration can affect human beings and living organisms. In this study, the ligand immobilized conjugate adsorbent was developed and selenium (Se(IV)) detection and removal from water were investigated. The conjugate adsorbent was successfully prepared by direct immobilization of organic ligand onto mesoporous inorganic silica. This technique achieved residual Se(IV) concentration less than 10 ppb, which is acceptable by water quality regulations. Therefore, the solid design adsorbent is efficient and cost-effective for selective Se(IV) detection and removal from water.



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Category:Chemistry, Applied



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