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Report No.

Distribution and abundance of arsenic in the soils and plants

Rahman, I. M. M.*; Begum, Z. A.*; Salehi Lisar, S. Y.*; Motafakkerazad, R.*; Awual, M. R.; Hasegawa, Hiroshi*

Arsenic has evoked concerns related to the environmental and human health issues for decades. In recent years, the concern has been relocated to the front position as more of the world's population relies on groundwater as a source of clean drinking water, which is reported to be contaminated due to the elevated level of arsenic. The surface processes such as precipitation, dissolution, adsorption, and desorption have been controlled by geochemical parameters, such as pH, Eh, ionic composition, and mineral type, and determine the mobility characteristics of arsenic and the abundance in any given location. The chapter will provide a critical review of the issues related to the distribution and abundance of arsenic in the soils and plants.



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