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Report No.

Process-based modeling for mountain pasture dynamics in unusual warm and long snow-free wintertime

Katata, Genki; Grote, R.*; Zeeman, M. J.*; Mauder, M.*; Ota, Masakazu  ; Lu, H.*; Kiese, R.*

We coupled a multi-layer atmosphere-SOiL-VEGetation model (SOLVEG) with a detail snow scheme and grass growth scheme to investigate snow-free grassland dynamics. We applied the modified SOLVEG to pre-alpine grassland sites in Germany for a year with an exceptional small amount of snowfall. The modified model reproduced temporal changes in observations of surface energy and CO$$_{2}$$ fluxes, soil temperature and moisture, and aboveground biomass. Our simulations and measurements demonstrate that grasses at lower elevation are not dormant and continuously assimilate atmospheric CO$$_{2}$$ even in the middle of winter season. On the other hand, dead leaf biomass increases due to frosts over cold snow-free days. As a result, snow-free wintertime carbon uptake almost balanced with wintertime soil respiration. However, under temperature rise conditions, grass ecosystems act as a strong sink of CO$$_{2}$$ from winter to early spring due to a decrease of frost damages of foliage.



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