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Report No.

Design study for reactor system of fast reactor JSFR; Concept of reactor system

Kawasaki, Nobuchika ; Sakamoto, Yoshihiko ; Eto, Masao*; Taniguchi, Yoshihiro*; Kamishima, Yoshio*

The Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, JSFR, is currently under conceptual study. The concept of JSFR's reactor system is a compact reactor system to avoid excessive increase of reactor vessel diameter with structural and fluid integrities. To realize this concept, single rotating plug with advanced refueling system is adopted. Advanced refueling system consists of column type Upper Internal Structure and pantograph type Fuel Handling Machine. To realize structural and fluid integrities, top entry piping, sodium dam and flow block/guide structures are adopted. Structural integrities against seismic displacement or thermal stress and fluid integrities against vortex cavitations or cover gas entrainment can be ensured with these designs.



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