※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Current status of JRR-3


車田 修 

Kurumada, Osamu


JRR-3 at Tokai site of JAEA was in its regular maintenance period, when the Great East Japan Earthquake took place on 11th March 2011. The reactor building with the solid foundations and the equipment important to safety survived the earthquake without serious damage, and no radioactive leakage has been occurred. Recovery work, check and test of the integrity for all components have been carried out. In response to the accident at Fukushima Daiichi NPS, the Reactor Regulation Act was revised in June 2012, for the purpose of introducing new regulations based on the latest technical analysis. The revision introduces the "backfit system" under which the existing nuclear facilities are also required to conform to new regulatory requirements. Now, we confirmed that JRR-3 conforms to new regulations on research and test reactor facilities which came into force on 18th December 2013. Therefore, we have applied for permission for changes in reactor installment license on 26th September 2014. We will present the current state of JRR-3 and future plan.



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