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Report No.

On-site training using JMTR and related facilities in FY2014

Eguchi, Shohei ; Takemoto, Noriyuki ; Tanimoto, Masataka ; Kubo, Ayako; Ishitsuka, Etsuo   ; Nakamura, Jinichi ; Ito, Haruhiko

Since fiscal 2011, a practical training course using the JMTR and other research infrastructures has been provided by Neutron Irradiation Testing Reactor Center for foreign young researchers and engineers in Asian and other countries which are planning to introduce power reactors. The aim of this course is to contribute to the human resource development in nuclear research field and to increase the future use the JMTR. On the other hand, a training course for Japanese young researchers and engineers has been conducted since fiscal 2010. In fiscal 2014, these two separate courses were integrated into one and it was conducted for 3 weeks for young researchers and engineers at home as well as abroad. Nineteen persons from seven countries participated and they studied about the general outline of nuclear research, current status and R&D of nuclear energy, irradiation test facilities and technologies, nuclear characteristics of the reactor and safety and operation management of nuclear reactors. At the end of the course, we had an active discussion about the current status and future of energy mix. The content of this training course in fiscal 2014 are reported in this paper.



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