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Report No.

Decommissioning activities in FUGEN

Kitamura, Koichi ; Kutsuna, Hideki; Matsushima, Akira ; Koda, Yuya ; Iwai, Hiroki 

Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center (herein after called as "FUGEN") obtained the approval of the decommissioning program on February 2008. FUGEN has been carrying out decommissioning works based on its decommissioning program since then. Now is in initial stage, the dismantling works was launched in turbine system whose contamination was relatively low level and their various data have been accumulating. And the draining heavy water, tritium decontamination and transferring of heavy water were carried out safely and reasonably. The preparation for the clearance system and the research and development works for the reactor core dismantling have been progressed steadily as well. Meanwhile, FUGEN has affiliation with local industries and universities for collaboration research, and has exchanged the decommissioning information with domestic and overseas organizations continuously.



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