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Isolation of carbon ions-induced mutants in ${{it Arabidopsis thaliana}}$ exhibiting different anthocyanin accumulation patterns


北村 智; 大野 豊; 鳴海 一成*

Kitamura, Satoshi; Ono, Yutaka; Narumi, Issey*


Ion beams have been used for isolation of novel mutants in a number of plant species in our laboratory. Re-mutagenesis by secondary irradiation of ion beams to already-established ion beam-induced mutants would be effective to modify plant characters step-by-step, because ion beams are likely to induce mutations at the limited regions of the genome. Here, we try to adapt the re-mutagenesis by secondary ion beam irradiation in model plant ${{it Arabidopsis}}$, for obtaining flavonoid mutants that have not been found so far by standard mutagenesis and screening methods.



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