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Report No.

Screening of yeast strain for ethanol fermentation after carbon ion beam irradiation

Ogino, Chiaki*; Yamada, Ryosuke*; Sato, Katsuya; Ono, Yutaka

Ethanol fermentation from hydrolyzed lignocellulosic biomass with yeast is very important. However, in common sense, there are several chemical inhibitors for yeast from hydrolyzed biomass. Therefore, screening of yeast strain, possessing the tolerance properties against these chemical inhibitors, should be found from nature resources or mutant libraries. In this research, by carbon ion beam irradiation, the screening of candidate yeast strains was performed. Compared with wild type strain, the ethanol production yield was improved in the case of selected strain. It was assumed that the carbon ion beam irradiation could be influence to yeast cell, and improve the metabolic pathway. In future, by using this selected yeast, the ethanol fermentation from hydrolyzed biomass with high efficiency would be performed.



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