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Report No.

In-beam fission study at JAEA

Nishio, Katsuhisa   

In-beam fission study at the JAEA tandem facility is discussed. The first part in the presentation is the study for reaction mechanism of fusion-fission and quasifission in relation with heavy-element synthesis. Systematic measurement of fission-fragment mass distributions using $$^{238}$$U target nucleus have been carried out. With the help of a model calculation a method to determine the fusion probability is proposed. Recently, we developed a $$^{248}$$Cm target, and series of experiment involving $$^{248}$$Cm are planned to study fission for heavier elements. The second part of the presentation is the study for fission of neutron-rich nuclei. Multi-nuclear transfer reactions were used to populate wide variety of nuclei and their excited states. Langevin-type calculation was carried out to discuss the shell damping energy of the fissioning nuclei.



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