Present status of energy resolved neutron imaging system "RADEN" in J-PARC
Segawa, Mariko
; Shinohara, Takenao
; Kai, Tetsuya
; Oikawa, Kenichi
; Harada, Masahide
; Nakatani, Takeshi
; Oi, Motoki
; Sato, Hirotaka*; Kamiyama, Takashi*; Yokota, Hideo*; Sera, Toshihiro*; Mochiki, Koichi*; Aizawa, Kazuya
; Arai, Masatoshi*; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*
Energy Resolved Neutron Imaging System (RADEN) has been constructed at beam line 22 in MLF (Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility) of J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex). RADEN is the first system dedicated to the pulsed neutron imaging experiments in the world. The commissioning of the instrument began from November 2014, and user operation started in April 2015. The purpose of this system is to obtain energy-resolved two or three-dimensional neutron images effectively utilizing pulsed neutron nature. By neutron resonance imaging, Bragg-edge imaging and polarization analysis, it is able to derive quantitative sample information, such as crystallographic structure, nuclide composition and magnetic fields, respectively. Therefore, this system is designed to cover the wide neutron energy range from cold to epithermal neutrons of a few tens keV with good energy resolution. And, several neutron imaging devices with high time resolution and high spatial resolution are installed to utilize the time-of-flight method. In this presentation, the current results from commissioning for the beam property and several neutron imaging devices under pulsed neutron operation is introduced. And energy selective neutron tomography for several samples and prospects of the system is presented.