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Report No.

Hardness modification of Al-Mg-Si alloy by using energetic ion beam irradiation

Ueyama, Daichi*; Saito, Yuichi; Ishikawa, Norito   ; Omura, Takahito*; Semboshi, Satoshi*; Hori, Fuminobu*; Iwase, Akihiro*

We have irradiated Al-Mg-Si alloy with 5.4 MeV-16 MeV several ion species at room temperature so far, and have found that ion irradiation is a useful tool for controlling the surface hardness for the alloy. In the present study, we tried several experiments as some applications of ion beam irradiation for hardness modifications of the alloy. Main results are as follows; (1) the combination of ion beam irradiation and the subsequent thermal aging are effective for the hardness modification of the alloy, and (2) designated regions and areas of the specimen can be hardened by changing the energy of ion beam and producing the irradiated area and unirradiated area of the surface. Then, we can expand the possibility of the ion beam irradiation as a new process for the three-dimensional hardness modification of Al-Mg-Si alloy.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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