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IAEA NAPRO Coordinated Research Project; Physical properties of sodium


Passerini, S.*; Carardi, C.*; Grandy, C.*; Azpitarte, O. E.*; Chocron, M.*; Japas, M. L.*; Bubelis, E.*; Perez-Martin, S.*; Jayaraj, S.*; Roelofs, F.*; Latge, C.*; Gerschenfeld, A.*; Long, B.*; Selvaraj, P.*; Marinenko, E.*; Zagorulko, Y.*; 大平 博昭; Monti, S.*

Passerini, S.*; Carardi, C.*; Grandy, C.*; Azpitarte, O. E.*; Chocron, M.*; Japas, M. L.*; Bubelis, E.*; Perez-Martin, S.*; Jayaraj, S.*; Roelofs, F.*; Latge, C.*; Gerschenfeld, A.*; Long, B.*; Selvaraj, P.*; Marinenko, E.*; Zagorulko, Y.*; Ohira, Hiroaki; Monti, S.*

The IAEA recently established a CRP on "Sodium properties and safe operation of experimental facilities in support of the development and deployment of Sodium Cooled Fast Reactors - NAPRO", to be carried out in the period 2013 - 2017. The first phase of the CRP is focused on the collection and assessment of sodium properties, and it will lead to a consistent property data set which will be published in the form of a handbook. This work is carried out by the 11 participating organizations from 10 Member States through the review and evaluation of the existing available data, the identification of the data gaps and the development of recommendations for experimental programmes to support closing these data gaps. A specific work package (WP 1.1), under the leadership of Argonne National Laboratory, is focused on the analysis of physical properties of sodium: thermodynamic properties and transport properties. The expected outcome includes the improved understanding of the availability, accuracy and range of applications of sodium properties centered on fast reactors and other technological applications. The implemented methodology for WP 1.1 is described and so the properties included in WP 1.1 and their classification. Major findings to date related to WP 1.1 are presented in this work, including detailed analysis of two selected properties.



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