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Report No.

Demonstration result of sample assay system equipped alternative He-3 detectors

Nakamura, Hironobu ; Mukai, Yasunobu ; Tobita, Hiroshi; Nakamichi, Hideo; Ozu, Akira  ; Kureta, Masatoshi   ; Kurita, Tsutomu ; Seya, Michio

JAEA conducted an R&D project to develop a new type of neutron detector using ZnS/$$^{10}$$B$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ ceramic scintillator (as an alternative neutron detector to He-3) with support of Japanese government. The design of the JAEAs alternative system (ASAS: Alternative Sample Assay System using ceramic scintillator tubes) refers basically to the INVS (INVentory Sample assay system) which is the passive type of neutron assay system equipped total 18 He-3 tubes and capable of measuring the small amount of Pu in the MOX powder or Pu nitrate solution in a vial for nuclear material accountancy and safeguards verification. In order to prove the alternative technology and the performance instead of He-3 detector, and to establish Pu measurement capability, JAEA developed and fabricated ASAS equipped 24 alternative ceramic scintillator tubes (which is equivalent to the same counting efficiency of INVS) and demonstrated. The demonstration activity implemented the confirmation of reproducibility about sample positioning, optimization of detector parameters, counting statistical uncertainty, stability check and figure of merit (FOM) using Cf check source and actual MOX powder in PCDF (Plutonium Conversion Development Facility). In addition, performance comparison between the current INVS and the ASAS was also implemented. In this paper, we present demonstration results with design information with Monte-Carlo simulation code (MCNP).



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