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Report No.

Utilizing delayed $$gamma$$ rays for fissionable material measurement in NDA

Rodriguez, D. ; Takamine, Jun ; Koizumi, Mitsuo ; Seya, Michio

A non-destructive analysis system using a pulsed neutron source is under design by researchers of the JAEA, and JRC-ITU (Ispra) and JRC-IRMM. The system will utilize a combination of neutron resonance transmission analysis and differential die-away and both prompt and Delayed Gamma-ray (DG) Spectroscopy (DGS) techniques. This system will be applied toward safeguards applications by effectively determining Nuclear Material (NM) compositions within MOX fuel samples and NM samples with high neutron or $$gamma$$-ray emissions (including the melted fuel). Additionally, this system can be applied toward nuclear security by detecting the high-energy DGs that can more efficiently pass through shielding materials. This presentation will describe the initial status of the DG portion of this system and how it will be used in conjunction with the other techniques to provide both high accuracy and high precision of the composition of the NM of interest.



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