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Report No.

Impact hammer test of ITER blanket remote handling system

Noguchi, Yuto; Maruyama, Takahito; Ueno, Kenichi; Komai, Masafumi; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi

This paper reports the impact hammer test of the full-scale mock-up of ITER Blanket Remote Handling system (BRHS). Since the BRHS, which is composed of the articulated rail and the vehicle manipulator which travels on the rail deployed in the vacuum vessel, is subjected to the floor response spectrum with 14 G peak at 8 Hz, evaluation of dynamic response of the system is of essential importance. Recently impact hammer testing on the full-scale mock-up of the BRHS was carried out to verify the finite element method seismic analysis and to experimentally obtain the damping ratio of the system. The results showed that the mock-up has a vertical major natural mode with a natural frequency of 7.5 Hz and a damping ratio of 0.5%. While higher structural damping ratios is predicted in a high amplitude excitation such as major earthquake, it was confirmed that the experimental natural major frequencies are in agreement with the major frequencies obtained by elastic dynamic analysis.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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