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Calculation of beta decay half-lives and delayed neutron branching ratio of fission fragments with Skyrme-QRPA


湊 太志   

Minato, Futoshi


Nuclear beta-decay and delayed neutron (DN) emission is important for the $$r$$-process nucleosynthesis after the freeze-out and stable and safe operation of nuclear reactors. Even though radioactive beam facilities have enabled us to measure beta-decay and DN branching ratio of neutron-rich nuclei apart from the stability line in the nuclear chart, there are still a lot of nuclei which one cannot investigate. In particular, information on DN is rather scarce than that of $$T_{1/2}$$. To predict $$T_{1/2}$$ and DN branching ratios, we recently developed a method which comprises QRPA and Hauser-Feshbach model. In this work, we calculate fission fragments with $$T_{1/2}le50$$. We obtain the RMS deviation from experimental half-life of 5.06. However, there are odd-even staggering when looking at theoretical $$T_{1/2}$$ along an isotopic chain, which is not observed experimentally. There are also deviations of DN branching ratios. We discuss the cause of these problems and how to remedy them.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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