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Investigation of ligand immobilized nano-composite adsorbent for efficient cerium(III) detection and recovery


Awual, M. R.; Hasan, M. M.*; Shahat, A.*; Naushad, M.*; 塩飽 秀啓   ; 矢板 毅

Awual, M. R.; Hasan, M. M.*; Shahat, A.*; Naushad, M.*; Shiwaku, Hideaki; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

In this study, the organic ligand of 4-dodecyl-6-((4-(hexyloxy)phenyl)diazenyl) benzene-1,3-diol (DPDB) and mesoporous silica have been used to prepare the nano-composite adsorbent. The nano-composite adsorbent was fabricated by indirect immobilization of DPDB onto the mesoporous silica. The experimental data clarified that the Ce(III) was detected and adsorbed by the adsorbent at pH 2.50. The limit of detection for Ce(III) ions by the adsorbent was 0.12 microgram/L and the sorption capacity was 150.37 mg/g at optimum conditions. The proposed adsorbent allowed the sensitive, selective, easy to use, cost-effective, high efficiency, fast kinetics and stable capturing of Ce(III) ions even in the presence of diverse competing ions.



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分野:Engineering, Environmental



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