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Report No.

High-energy magnetic excitations in overdoped La$$_{2-x}$$Sr$$_{x}$$CuO$$_{4}$$ studied by neutron and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering

Wakimoto, Shuichi  ; Ishii, Kenji; Kimura, Hiroyuki*; Fujita, Masaki*; Dellea, G.*; Kummer, K.*; Braicovich, L.*; Ghiringhelli, G.*; Debeer-Schmitt, L. M.*; Granroth, G.*

We have performed neutron inelastic scattering and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) at the Cu-$$L_3$$ edge to study high-energy magnetic excitations at energy transfers of more than 100 meV for overdoped La$$_{2-x}$$Sr$$_{x}$$CuO$$_{4}$$ with $$x$$ = 0.25 ($$T_c$$ = 15 K) and $$x$$ = 0.30 (nonsuperconducting) using identical single-crystal samples for the two techniques. Our results indicate consistency between neutron inelastic scattering and RIXS, and elucidate the entire magnetic excitation in the $$(pi, pi)$$ direction by the complementary use of two probes. The paramagnon along $$(pi, 0)$$ agrees well with the LCO spin-wave dispersion, while the paramagnon in the $$(pi, pi)$$ direction probed by RIXS appears to be less dispersive.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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