Progress on design and prototyping of I&C systems for ITER diagnostics in Japan
山本 剛史; 波多江 仰紀; 谷塚 英一; 竹内 正樹; 小川 宏明; 北澤 真一; 今澤 良太; 石川 正男; 河野 康則; 伊丹 潔
Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi; Hatae, Takaki; Yatsuka, Eiichi; Takeuchi, Masaki; Ogawa, Hiroaki; Kitazawa, Sin-iti; Imazawa, Ryota; Ishikawa, Masao; Kawano, Yasunori; Itami, Kiyoshi
Japan Atomic Energy Agency is developing control and data acquisition systems for poloidai polarimeter, edge Thomson scattering system, divertor impurity monitor, IR thermography and micro fission chamber in ITER project. We developed supervisory control system, which coordinates internal devices such as detectors and laser system following discharge sequence, leading other domestic agencies. Supervisory system configures measurement parameters and performs consistency check between the parameters. We also developed sequence control function to coordinate control programs for measurement and auxiliary devices complying to ITER standards and guidelines. A flowchart conversion tool was developed. The conversion tool reduced troubles in the program codes. It also makes changes of control logic flexible. We also developed prototype data acquisition system communicating with a central control simulator. The prototype demonstrates that our system design was valid.