※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Neutron irradiation effect of high-density MoO$$_{3}$$ pellets for Mo-99 production, 2


西方 香緒里  ; 石田 卓也; 米川 実 ; 加藤 佳明; 黒澤 誠 ; 木村 明博 ; 松井 義典 ; 土谷 邦彦 ; 佐野 忠史*; 藤原 靖幸*; 高橋 佳之*; Zhang, J.*

Nishikata, Kaori; Ishida, Takuya; Yonekawa, Minoru; Kato, Yoshiaki; Kurosawa, Makoto; Kimura, Akihiro; Matsui, Yoshinori; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Sano, Tadafumi*; Fujihara, Yasuyuki*; Takahashi, Yoshiyuki*; Zhang, J.*


As one of effective applications of the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR), JAEA has a plan to produce $$^{99}$$Mo by (n,$$gamma$$) method ((n,$$gamma$$)$$^{99}$$Mo production), a parent nuclide of $$^{99m}$$Tc. In this study, preliminary irradiation test was carried out with the high-density molybdenum trioxide (MoO$$_{3}$$) pellets in the hydraulic conveyer (HYD) of the Kyoto University Research Reactor (KUR) and the $$^{99m}$$Tc solution extracted from $$^{99}$$Mo was evaluated. After the irradiation test of the high-density MoO$$_{3}$$ pellets in the KUR, $$^{99m}$$Tc was extracted from the Mo solution and the recovery rate of $$^{99m}$$Tc achieved the target values. The $$^{99m}$$Tc solution also got the value that satisfied the standard value for $$^{99m}$$Tc radiopharmaceutical products by the solvent extraction method.



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