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Report No.

Irradiation test with silicon ingot for NTD-Si irradiation technology

Takemoto, Noriyuki ; Romanova, N.*; Kimura, Nobuaki ; Gizatulin, S.*; Saito, Takashi; Martyushov, A.*; Nakipov, D.*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko ; Chakrov, P.*

Silicon semiconductor production by neutron transmutation doping (NTD) method using the JMTR has been investigated in Neutron Irradiation and Testing Reactor Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency in order to expand the industry use. As a part of investigations, irradiation test with a silicon ingot was planned using WWR-K in Institute of Nuclear Physics, Republic of Kazakhstan. A device rotating the ingot made with the silicon was fabricated and was installed in the WWR-K for the irradiation test. And that, a preliminary irradiation test was carried out using neutron fluence monitors to evaluate the neutronic irradiation field. Based on the result, two silicon ingots were irradiated as scheduled, and the resistivity of each irradiated silicon ingot was measured to confirm the applicability of high-quality silicon semiconductor by the NTD method (NTD-Si) to its commercial production.



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