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Report No.

A Proposal for the demonstration of the ITER Remote Experimentation Centre with collaborating European Tokamaks

Tommasi, G. D.*; Farthing, J.*; Joffrin, E.*; Vega, J.*; Vitale, V.*; Clement, S.*; Sartori, F.*; Kubo, Hirotaka; Nakajima, Noriyoshi*; Ozeki, Takahisa

The ITER Remote Experimentation Centre is one of the projects currently under implementation within the International Fusion Energy Research Centre. The final objective of the REC is to allow researchers to take part in the experimentation on ITER from a remote location. This includes the possibility to receive in real-time information about the status of the machine and experimental data and to interact with the machine control room. This paper first gives an overview on the current status of the REC project, and then it focuses on a proposal for the REC demonstration to be carried out in collaboration with European Tokamaks. Finally, a possible implementation plan for the demonstration is discussed.



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