Information collection regarding geoscientific monitoring techniques during closure of underground facility in crystalline rock
Hosoya, Shinichi*; Yamashita, Tadashi*; Iwatsuki, Teruki
; Saegusa, Hiromitsu; Onoe, Hironori
; Ishibashi, Masayuki
The study for development of drift backfilling technologies is one of the critical issues in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) project, and its purposes are to develop closure methodology and technology, and long-term monitoring technology, and to evaluate resilience of geological environment. To achieve the purposes, previous information from the case example of underground facility constructed in crystalline rock in Europe has been collected. In particular, the boundary conditions for the closure, geological characteristics, technical specifications, and method of monitoring have been focused. The information on the international project regarding drift closure test and development of monitoring technologies has also been collected. In addition, interviews were conducted to specialists who have experiences involving planning, construction management, monitoring, and safety assessment for the closure. Based on the collected information, concept and point of attention, which are regarding drift closure testing, and planning, execution management and monitoring on the closure of MIU, have been specified.