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Report No.

Evaluation of two-phase separation in ${it N}$,${it N}$-di(2-ethylhexyl)butanamide-nitric acid systems using turbidity measurements

Tsutsui, Nao  ; Ban, Yasutoshi  ; Hakamatsuka, Yasuyuki; Matsumura, Tatsuro  

Quantitative evaluation of the two-phase separation between ${it N}$,${it N}$-di(2-ethylhexyl)butanamide (DEHBA) and tri-${it n}$-butyl phosphate (TBP) diluted with ${it n}$-dodecane and uranyl nitrate solution in nitric acid medium was achieved using turbidity measurements. The turbidities of DEHBA were relatively high, particularly at high DEHBA concentrations, while that of TBP rapidly decreased irrespective of nitric acid concentration. A high concentration of DEHBA, nitric acid, and uranium increased the turbidities in the organic phase, which could be ascribed to the increase in viscosity. Distribution ratios of uranium were also measured, and it was indicated that turbidity did not have a critical effect on the distribution ratio when the turbidity was below a certain value.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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