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Report No.

Time domain response analysis for assembly by integrating components

Nakajima, Norihiro  ; Nishida, Akemi  ; Kawakami, Yoshiaki; Suzuki, Yoshio   ; Matsukawa, Keisuke*; Oshima, Masami*; Izuchi, Hisao*

The digital shaking table is introduced to carry out numerical experiments for the so called STRUCTURE of a petroleum plant. In numerical experiments, STRUCTURE was precisely modelled as it is designed and meshed into fine finite elements. The components of STRUCTURE were meshed one by one, and the code of a finite element analysis for structure of assembly gathered every meshed components to run time domain response analysis. Four waves are applied to the analysis to determine its behaviour. Four waves are namely as El Centro, Taft, Hachinohe, and Geiyo. The results of experiments are discussed by comparing accumulating data in the past. It is concluded to reconfirm the methodology of gathering meshed components and a finite element analysis for structure of assembly with the STRUCTURE.



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