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Current status of decommissioning activities in JAEA; Second midterm plan from FY2010 to FY2014

原子力機構における廃止措置活動の現状; 2010年度から2014年度の第2期中期計画

立花 光夫; 村田 雅人; 田崎 禎之; 臼井 秀雄; 窪田 晋太郎

Tachibana, Mitsuo; Murata, Masato; Tasaki, Tadayuki; Usui, Hideo; Kubota, Shintaro


230 various types of nuclear facilities were constructed in JAEA's R&D Institutes or Center until the establishment of the JAEA in 2005. The JAEA has efficiently and systematically decommissioned nuclear facilities that would no longer be required after the establishment of the JAEA. Decommissioning of nuclear facilities in each JAEA's R&D Institutes or Center was continued based on the second midterm plan of the JAEA from FY2010 to FY2014. Decommissioning of 2 nuclear facilities was completed during the second midterm. This report describes current status of decommissioning activities in the JAEA during the second midterm and outline of the decommissioning plan in the third midterm.



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