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Report No.

Some problems on KERMA factors and DPA cross section data calculated with NJOY code

Konno, Chikara  ; Kwon, Saerom; Ota, Masayuki; Sato, Satoshi

KERMA factors and DPA cross section data which are used for nuclear heating and damage in nuclear analyses are not included in nuclear data libraries but estimated from nuclear data libraries with the NJOY code and so on and stored to ACE or MATXS files for nuclear analyses. However most of the KERMA factors and DPA cross section data have some problems, which are not known by users. Now we compare the KERMA factors and DPA cross section data included in the official ACE files processed from the latest nuclear libraries JENDL-4.0, ENDF/B-VII.1, JEFF-3.2 and FENDL-3.0 with NJOY. As a result, they are different among the nuclear libraries in a lot of nuclei. It is found out that most of the discrepancies come from (1) NJOY bug, (2) inconsistent energy balance and (3) large helium production cross section data.



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