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An Analytic formula for the relativistic incoherent Thomson backscattering spectrum for a drifting bi-Maxwellian plasma

Naito, Osamu

An analytic formula has been derived for the relativistic incoherent Thomson backscattering spectrum for a drifting anisotropic plasma when the scattering vector is parallel to the drifting direction. The shape of the scattering spectrum is insensitive to the electron temperature perpendicular to the scattering vector, but its amplitude may be modulated. As a result, while the measured temperature correctly represents the electron distribution parallel to the scattering vector, the electron density may be underestimated when the perpendicular temperature is higher than the parallel temperature. Since the scattering spectrum in shorter wavelengths is greatly enhanced by the existence of drift, the diagnostics might be used to measure local electron current density in fusion plasmas.



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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