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Report No.

High-temperature neutron diffraction experiment above 15 GPa using MA6-8

Sano, Asami   ; Hattori, Takanori   ; Funakoshi, Kenichi*; Abe, Jun*; Machida, Shinichi*

Neutron diffraction provides us unique information in the investigation of the structure of materials under high-pressure. However, high-temperature experiments above 10 GPa have not been successful so far because of the conflicting requirements of a sample volume and a sufficient thermal insulation in an internal heater assembly. To overcome this difficulty and extend the accessible PT range, we applied a 6-8 type multi-anvil assembly (MA6-8) to a neutron diffraction experiment. The experiments were conducted using the 6-axis multi-anvil press in the high- pressure neutron diffractometer PLANET. A test with NaCl as an internal pressure standard shows that the pressure reaches to 16 GPa. We also observed the synthesis of CaSiO$$_{3}$$ perovskite from the starting material of wollastonite after the heating at 1100 $$^{circ}$$C at 16 GPa for 3 hours. The results demonstrate the potential utility of the MA6-8 to high temperature experiments.



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