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Report No.

Study on nondestructive measurement of nuclear materials in fuel debris by using fast neutron direct interrogation method

Maeda, Makoto  ; Furutaka, Kazuyoshi  ; Kureta, Masatoshi   ; Ozu, Akira  ; Tobita, Hiroshi; Komeda, Masao   ; Hattori, Kentaro

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster in March 11th in 2011 is considered to produce fuel debris. It is difficult to measure nondestructively the amount of fissile materials in the fuel debris since the constituents of the debris are unknown and it may contain various materials such as water, metal, and even neutron absorber. A fast neutron direct interrogation (FNDI) method, which has been developed for long years to measure uranium bearing wastes drums, can measure an amount of nuclear materials regardless of a matrix of the wastes drums. We have studied nondestructive assay for nuclear materials in fuel debris by using the FNDI method. In this paper, we report on a design study of a nondestructive measurement system for debris canister and results of the investigation on the applicability of the FNDI method to the fuel debris containing various materials using Monte Carlo simulations.



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