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Development of guidelines for structural reliability evaluation for FBR

高屋 茂  ; 町田 秀夫*; 神島 吉郎*

Takaya, Shigeru; Machida, Hideo*; Kamishima, Yoshio*


This paper describes the outline of the guidelines on structural reliability evaluation for the passive components of the fast breeder reactor (FBR). The guidelines are now being prepared by the working group for the system based code in the Japan society of mechanical engineers. They consist of five chapters, which are "General rules", "Reliability evaluation", "Failure scenario setting", "Modeling", and "Failure probability calculation", respectively. In the chapter of "Reliability evaluation", the general procedures of reliability evaluation are explained. Detailed procedures at each step are explained in the following chapters in the guidelines. Evaluation procedures for accumulation damage and crack propagation due to creep-fatigue interaction are also provided in the appendix of the guidelines because creep-fatigue interaction is a typical degradation phenomenon in FBR.



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