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Report No.

Sample environment at the MLF

Aso, Tomokazu ; Yamauchi, Yasuhiro; Kawamura, Seiko   

In the neutron scattering facility, sample environment is one of the important factor. In Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) of J-PARC, sample environment team has been officially organized with succeeding the previous ad hoc sample environment team, aiming to measure safety on sample environment in MLF comprehensively and to perform efficient user support in sample environment. In MLF, each beamline (BL) has its own sample environment equipment that is dedicated for the instrument, while some pieces of BL-common sample environment equipment are prepared by the sample environment team. MLF users can also carry in their own equipment or devices for their experiment. All the equipment and devices are allowed to be introduced after passing the safety examination in MLF.



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