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Report No.

Diglycolamic acid extractant; Relationship between substituent group and extraction separation performance

Shimojo, Kojiro   ; Fujiwara, Iori*; Okamura, Hiroyuki   ; Oshima, Tatsuya*; Baba, Yoshinari*; Naganawa, Hirochika  

The extractant plays a key role in the extraction efficiency and the separation operation. Thus, the development of novel extractants, which perform better than conventional commercial extractants, is required for effective separation of metal ions. In this study, we have developed diglycolamic acid (DGAA) ligand as a new extractant. Extraction behavior of 56 metal ions using DGAA extractants was comprehensively investigated, and basic data on the extraction performance and selectivity of DGAA extractants was collected. In addition, we demonstrated the relationship between substituent group and extraction separation performance of DGAA extractants by the difference in performance of tertiary amide and secondary amide.



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