Demonstrating the integral resonance transmission method; Conceptual and experimental studies
Angell, C.; Hayakawa, Takehito; Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Hajima, Ryoichi; Quiter, B. J.*; Ludewigt, B. L.*; Karwowski, H. J.*; Rich, G.*; Silano, J.*
Nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) is a promising technique for assaying
Pu in spent nuclear fuel and for SNM detection applications because of its isotope-specific nature and potential for high sensitivity. To fully utilize the next generation of high-flux
-ray sources for NRF applications we developed the integral resonance transmission (IRT) method which integratesover all resonances within the energy width of a quasi-monoenergetic
-ray beam allowing the full utilization of the transmission signature. To realize the IRT technique both conceptual studies, exploring the consequences of the loss of resolution, and experimental studies, demonstrating several aspects of the IRT method, were undertaken. The conceptual studies included the development of a performance metric allowing comparison between using the IRT technique and single resonances, a study of the magnitude of resonance overlap, and beam simulations examining performance as a function of beam width. The experimental studies were done at the HI
S facility at Duke University, and included an experiment constraining resonance overlap in a NRF transmission measurement through a TMI-2 type canister, demonstration of the IRT technique by a NRF measurement on
Ta, and the world's first transmission NRF measurement on
Pu. In this talk, we will overview each component of the conceptual and experimental studies for the IRT method.