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Competition of kaon and hyperon mixture in nuclear matter

Maruyama, Toshiki  

We have investigated the property and structure of high density nuclear matter in the neutron star interior. So far, we have shown by a relativistic mean field model that with the appearance of kaons, the equation of state of matter becomes soft, and that by a strong attraction between $$p$$ and $$K^-$$, they make separate $$K^-pne^-$$ and $$ne^-$$ phases, which form pasta structures. This time we have incorporated with hyperon degree of freedom. As a result, first $$Lambda$$ begins to mix in matter, and then $$Xi$$. But with the appearance of kaon, $$Xi$$ disappears and $$Lambda$$ decreases. Therefore, repulsion between hyperons and kaon may be active. This tendency is also seen in the density profile of pasta structures, where hyperons and kaon keep away from each other.



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