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Operation and commissioning of IFMIF (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility) LIPAc injector


奥村 義和; Gobin, R.*; Knaster, J.*; Heidinger, R.*; Ayala, J.-M.*; Bolzon, B.*; Cara, P.*; Chauvin, N.*; Chel, S.*; Gex, D.*; Harrault, F.*; 一宮 亮; 伊原 彰; 池田 幸治; 春日井 敦; 菊地 孝行; 北野 敏彦; 小又 将夫; 近藤 浩夫; 前原 直; Marqueta, A.*; 大平 茂; Perez, M.*; Phillips, G.*; Pruneri, G.*; 坂本 慶司; Scantaburlo, F.*; Sen$'e$e, F.*; 神藤 勝啓   ; 杉本 昌義; 高橋 博樹  ; 宇佐美 潤紀; Valette, M.*

Okumura, Yoshikazu; Gobin, R.*; Knaster, J.*; Heidinger, R.*; Ayala, J.-M.*; Bolzon, B.*; Cara, P.*; Chauvin, N.*; Chel, S.*; Gex, D.*; Harrault, F.*; Ichimiya, Ryo; Ihara, Akira; Ikeda, Yukiharu; Kasugai, Atsushi; Kikuchi, Takayuki; Kitano, Toshihiko; Komata, Masao; Kondo, Hiroo; Maebara, Sunao; Marqueta, A.*; Ohira, Shigeru; Perez, M.*; Phillips, G.*; Pruneri, G.*; Sakamoto, Keishi; Scantaburlo, F.*; Sen$'e$e, F.*; Shinto, Katsuhiro; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Takahashi, Hiroki; Usami, Hiroki; Valette, M.*


IFMIF is an accelerator based neutron facility having two set of linear accelerators each producing 125mA/CW deuterium ion beams (250mA in total) at 40MeV. The LIPAc (Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator) being developed in the IFMIF-EVEDA project consists of an injector, a RFQ accelerator, and a part of superconducting Linac, whose target is to demonstrate 125mA/CW deuterium ion beam acceleration up to 9MeV. The injector has been developed in CEA Saclay and already demonstrated 140mA/100keV deuterium beam. The injector was disassembled and delivered to the International Fusion Energy Research Center (IFERC) in Rokkasho, Japan, and the commissioning has started after its reassembly 2014; the first beam production has been achieved in November 2014. Up to now, 100keV/120mA/CW hydrogen ion beam has been produced with a low beam emittance of 0.2 $$pi$$.mm.mrad (rms, normalized).



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