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Isotope-selective ionization utilizing molecular alignment of N$$_{2}$$ isotopologues with a train of femtosecond laser pulses

Akagi, Hiroshi; Kasajima, Tatsuya*; Kumada, Takayuki   ; Itakura, Ryuji; Yokoyama, Atsushi; Hasegawa, Hirokazu*; Oshima, Yasuhiro*

We propose a strategy of isotope-selective ionization for a binary mixture of isotopologues of homonuclear diatomic molecules, utilizing field-free alignment with a train of femtosecond laser pulses. Field-free alignment can be achieved simultaneously for two isotopologues consisting of two atoms with the same atomic mass number $$alpha$$ or $$beta$$, utilizing a pulse train with their time interval of T$$_{com}$$ = $$beta$$ T($$alpha$$) = $$alpha$$ T($$beta$$), where T($$alpha$$) and T($$beta$$) are the rotational revival times of the isotopologues. We demonstrate experimentally that a train of four alignment pulses with their interval of T$$_{com}$$ ($$alpha$$ = 14, $$beta$$ = 15) creates transiently aligned $$^{14}$$N$$_{2}$$ and anti-aligned $$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$ just before T$$_{com}$$/2 after the last pulse, and vice versa just after T$$_{com}$$/2. Highly isotope-selective N$$_{2}$$ ionization is achieved at these timings with another femtosecond laser pulse, which induces the non-resonant multiphoton ionization with the cross section remarkably depending on the angle between the molecular axis and the laser electric field direction. The ion yield ratio I($$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$)/I($$^{14}$$N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$) ranges from 0.49 to 2.00, which is wider than the range obtained with single alignment pulse.



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