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Precise determination of $$^{12}_{Lambda}$$C level structure by $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy

Hosomi, Kenji  ; Ma, Y.*; Ajimura, Shuhei*; Aoki, Kanae*; Dairaku, Seishi*; Fu, Y.*; Fujioka, Hiroyuki*; Futatsukawa, Kenta*; Imoto, Wataru*; Kakiguchi, Yutaka*; Kawai, Masaharu*; Kinoshita, Sari*; Koike, Takeshi*; Maruyama, Nayuta*; Mimori, Masahiro*; Minami, Shizu*; Miura, Yusuke*; Miwa, Koji*; Miyagi, Yohei*; Nagae, Tomofumi*; Nakajima, Daisuke*; Noumi, Hiroyuki*; Shirotori, Kotaro*; Suzuki, Tomokazu*; Takahashi, Toshiyuki*; Takahashi, Tomonori*; Tamura, Hirokazu*; Tanida, Kiyoshi   ; Terada, Nobuhiro*; Toyoda, Akihisa*; Tsukada, Kyo*; Ukai, Mifuyu*; Zhou, S.*

Level structure of the $$^{12}_{Lambda}$$C hypernucleus was precisely determined by means of $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy. We identified four $$gamma$$-ray transitions via the $$^{12}$$C$$(pi^{+},K^{+}gamma)$$ reaction using a germanium detector array, Hyperball2. The spacing of the ground-state doublet $$(2^{-}, 1^{-}_{1})$$ was measured to be $$161.5pm0.3$$(stat)$$pm0.3$$ (syst)keV from the direct $$M1$$ transition. Excitation energies of the $$1^{-}_{2}$$ and $$1^{-}_{3}$$ states were measured to be $$2832pm3pm4$$, keV and $$6050pm8pm7$$, keV, respectively. The obtained level energies provide definitive references for the reaction spectroscopy of $$Lambda$$ hypernuclei.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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