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Report No.

Revision of the JENDL FP fission yield data

Katakura, Junichi*; Minato, Futoshi   ; Ohgama, Kazuya   

The JENDL FP Fission Yield Data Library (JENDL/FPY-2011) was released in 2011. Although the data of the yield file are successfully applied to decay heat summation calculations, there have been reported some inadequacies when applied to delayed neutron related subjects. And also from sensitivity analyses of summation calculation, some fission yield data in the JENDL file have been claimed to have some problems. In order to remedy those problems some yield data of the JENDL file have been re-examined and revised. The following is one example. The yield data of $$^{86}$$Ge for thermal neutron fission of $$^{235}$$U is given to be 6.277$$times10^{-3}$$ in JENDL/FPY-2011 which has been claimed to be too large. The re-examination and re-calculation of the fission yield data now give the new value of 3.437$$times10^{-6}$$ which seems to be more reasonable. There are some other nuclides indicated by the sensitivity analyses. The process of the re-examination of those nuclides and the revised yield data will be presented in the workshop WONDER 2015.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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