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Laser-driven $$gamma$$-ray, positron, and neutron source from ultra-intense laser-matter interactions

Nakamura, Tatsufumi*; Hayakawa, Takehito

In ultra-intense laser-matter interactions, $$gamma$$-rays are effectively generated via the radiation reaction effect. Since a significant fraction of the laser energy is converted into $$gamma$$-rays, understanding of the energy transport inside of the target is important. We have developed a Particle-in-Cell code which includes generation of the $$gamma$$-rays, their energy transport, and photo-nuclear reactions. Using the code, we have proposed a collimated, mono-energetic positron beams with hundreds of MeV are generated by using thick targets. Neutron beams are also effectively generated by using beryllium targets via photo-nuclear reactions.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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